Diversified Team of Tomorrow's

  • Designers
  • Developers
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Creators
  • Engineers
moving ahead to create a better society🚀

We are on a mission to empower the future and restore the past.

The journey from 0 to 1

October 2020

The Path Less Traveled

Our first steps were cautious yet determined. We assembled a team of passionate professionals, each bringing unique skills to the table

Jan 2021

Rapid Growth

We expanded our services, diversified our portfolio, and deepened our expertise in various IT domains!

January 2022

Continuing the Journey

From 1, the journey continues. It's about building upon the foundation laid, expanding possibilities, and pursuing new horizons.

March 2023

The spark of an "Idea"

Every great journey begins with an idea — a spark of inspiration that ignites the imagination. It all starts as a vision, a dream, or a bold concept waiting to take shape.

December 2020

Trial and Error

Along the way, there are obstacles, setbacks, and failures. These are not roadblocks but stepping stones.Each setback teaches valuable lessons, paving the way for progress.

September 2021

The first "Milestone"

And then, that moment arrives—the moment when the vision becomes reality. It's the first successful implementation, the first achievement, the first glimpse of what's possible.

October 2022

An Insight

We raised over $500k seed in our first round of funding and made some noise in the industry!

And it’s just beginning for Past Venture !

What Drives Us

We are powered by the belief that innovation is the heartbeat of progress. Our relentless pursuit of groundbreaking solutions is driven by a genuine dedication to understanding your unique needs. Your challenges inspire us to create transformative IT strategies that shape the future of your business.

Unwavering Integrity

Integrity is the compass that guides every decision we make. We hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards, fostering an environment of transparency, honesty, and accountability. Our promise to you is to deliver services that are not only technically exceptional but also aligned with your values and objectives.

Collaboration as a Catalyst

We recognize that collaboration is the driving force behind success. By combining our expertise with your vision, we turn possibilities into realities. We work hand in hand, merging our skills with your insights, to co-create solutions that leave a lasting impact on your business and industry.

Backed by Angel Investors





T Devi Prasad

Mentor & Angel Investor

The values we live for

Excellence in Everything

We are committed to delivering excellence in all that we do. From the smallest tasks to the most complex projects, we strive for perfection.

Collaborative Synergy

We believe in the power of collaboration. By working together, we harness the collective intelligence of our diverse team and our clients.

Impact-Driven Solutions

We're in the business of creating meaningful impact. Our solutions are designed to drive positive change and enhance efficiency.

Continuous Learning and Growth

The world of technology is ever-evolving, and so are we. We embrace a growth mindset, constantly seeking new knowledge and skills.

Resilience in Adversity

We approach obstacles as opportunities for growth, demonstrating adaptability and determination in the face of adversity.

Open-Minded Exploration

We encourage open-minded exploration of new ideas, technologies, and perspectives

50+ member
with happy faces

T Nihar Prasad

Administrative Head

T Dakhya Prasad

Partnership & Growth

Bishnuprasad Sahu

Marketing Head

Biswanath Sahu

HR Manager

Sankarsan Swain

Project Manager

Kishan Behera

Asst. Project Manager

Subham Maharana

UI/UX Designer

Sureli Nayak

Senior Analyst

Lipsa Behera

Senior Analyst

Incubated At